Jurnaliştii elveţieni au obţinut lista oficială a participanţilor la ediţia din 2011 a conferinţei Bilderberg. Evenimentul îi reuneşte pe cei mai puternici oameni ai planetei.
Infowars.com a confirmat că pe lista de participanţi la Bilderberg se află şi Angela Merkel, cancelarul Germaniei, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, fostul premier al Spaniei, fostul preşedinte Microsoft Bill Gates şi secretarul american al Apărării Robert Gates.
* Coene, Luc, guvernator, Banca Naţională a Belgiei
* Davignon, Etienne, ministru
* Leysen, Thomas, preşedinte, Umicore
* Fu, Ying, vicepremier al Afacerilor Externe
* Huang, Yiping, profesor de economie, Centrul pentru Cercetare Economică, Universitatea Peking
* Eldrup, Anders, CEO, DONG Energy
* Federspiel, Ulrik, vicepreşedinte, Global Affairs, Haldor Topsøe A/S
* Schütze, Peter, membru al consiliului de directori, Nordea Bank AB
* Ackermann, Josef, preşedinte al bordului de conducere şi al comitetului executiv, Deutsche Bank
* Enders, Thomas, CEO, Airbus SAS
* Löscher, Peter, preşedinte şi CEO, Siemens AG
* Nass, Matthias, şef corespondenţă internaţională, Die Zeit
* Steinbrück, Peer, membru al parlamentului german, fost ministru de Finanţe
* Apunen, Matti, director, Finnish Business and Policy Forum EVA
* Johansson, Ole, preşedinte, Confederaţia industriaşilor finlandezi
* Ollila, Jorma, preşedinte, Royal Dutch Shell
* Pentikäinen, Mikael, editorialist, redactor-şef, Helsingin Sanomat
* Baverez, Nicolas, partener, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
* Bazire, Nicolas, director, Groupe Arnault /LVMH
* Castries, Henri de, preşedinte şi CEO, AXA
* Lévy, Maurice, preşedinte şi CEO, Publicis Groupe S.A.
* Montbrial, Thierry de, preşedinte, Institutul Francez pentru Relaţii Internaţionale
* Roy, Olivier, profesor, European University Institute
Marea Britanie
* Agius, Marcus, preşedinte, Barclays PLC
* Flint, Douglas J., Group preşedinte, HSBC Holdings
* Kerr, John, membru, Camera Lorzilor; adjunct, Royal Dutch Shell
* Lambert, Richard, Independent Non-Executive Director, Ernst & Young
* Mandelson, Peter, membru, Camera Lorzilor; preşedinte, Global Counsel
* Micklethwait, John, redactor şef, The Economist
* Osborne, George, ministru al Finaţelor
* Stewart, Rory, membru al Parlamentului
* Taylor, J. Martin, preşedinte, Syngenta International AG
* David, George A., preşedinte, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A.
* Hardouvelis, Gikas A., Chief Economist and Head of Research, Eurobank EFG
* Papaconstantinou, George, ministru de Finaţe
* Tsoukalis, Loukas, preşedinte, ELIAMEP Grisons
Organizaţii Internaţionale
* Almunia, Joaquín, vicepreşedinte, Comisia Europeană
* Daele, Frans van, Chief of Staff to the President of the European Council
* Kroes, Neelie, Vice President, European Commission; Commissioner for Digital Agenda
* Lamy, Pascal, Director General, World Trade Organization
* Rompuy, Herman van, President, European Council
* Sheeran, Josette, Executive Director, United Nations World Food Programme
* Solana Madariaga, Javier, President, ESADEgeo Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics
* Trichet, Jean-Claude, President, European Central Bank
* Zoellick, Robert B., President, The World Bank Group
* Gallagher, Paul, Senior Counsel; Former Attorney General
* McDowell, Michael, Senior Counsel, Law Library; Former Deputy Prime Minister
* Sutherland, Peter D., preşedinte, Goldman Sachs International
* Bernabè, Franco, CEO, Telecom Italia SpA
* Elkann, John, preşedinte, Fiat S.p.A.
* Monti, Mario, preşedinte, Univers Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
* Scaroni, Paolo, CEO, Eni S.p.A.
* Tremonti, Giulio, ministru de Economie şi Finanţe
* Carney, Mark J., guvernator, Bank of Canada
* Clark, Edmund, preşedinte şi CEO, TD Bank Financial Group
* McKenna, Frank, vicepreşedinte, TD Bank Financial Group
* Orbinksi, James, profesor de medicină şi ştiinţe politice, University of Toronto
* Prichard, J. Robert S., preşedinte, Torys LLP
* Reisman, Heather, preşedinte şi CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc. Center, Brookings Institution
* Bolland, Marc J., Chief Executive, Marks and Spencer Group plc
* Chavannes, Marc E., Political Columnist, NRC Handelsblad; Professor of Journalism
* Halberstadt, Victor, Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings
* H.M. the Queen of the Netherlands
* Rosenthal, Uri, Minister of Foreign Affairs
* Winter, Jaap W., Partner, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek
* Myklebust, Egil, Former Chairman of the Board of Directors SAS, sk Hydro ASA
* H.R.H. Crown Prince Haakon of Norway
* Ottersen, Ole Petter, Rector, University of Oslo
* Solberg, Erna, Leader of the Conservative Party
* Bronner, Oscar, CEO and Publisher, Standard Medien AG
* Faymann, Werner, Federal Chancellor
* Rothensteiner, Walter, Chairman of the Board, Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG
* Scholten, Rudolf, Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG
* Balsemão, Francisco Pinto, Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister
* Ferreira Alves, Clara, CEO, Claref LDA; writer
* Nogueira Leite, António, Member of the Board, José de Mello Investimentos, SGPS, SA
* Mordashov, Alexey A., CEO, Severstal Schweden
* Bildt, Carl, ministru al Afacerilor Externe
* Björling, Ewa, minsitru al Comerţului
* Wallenberg, Jacob, preşedinte, Investor AB
* Brabeck-Letmathe, Peter, preşedinte, Nestlé S.A.
* Groth, Hans, Senior Director, Healthcare Policy & Market Access, Oncology Business Unit, Pfizer Europe
* Janom Steiner, Barbara, şef al Deaprtamentului de Justiţie, Securitate şi Sănătate, Canton
* Kudelski, André, preşedinte şi CEO, Kudelski Group SA
* Leuthard, Doris, consilier de stat
* Schmid, Martin, preşedinte, Government of the Canton Grisons
* Schweiger, Rolf, Ständerat
* Soiron, Rolf, preşedinte, Holcim Ltd., Lonza Ltd.
* Vasella, Daniel L., preşedinte, Novartis AG
* Witmer, Jürg, preşedinte, Givaudan SA and Clariant AG
* Cebrián, Juan Luis, CEO, PRISA
* Cospedal, María Dolores de, Secretary General, Partido Popular
* León Gross, Bernardino, secretar general al Preşedinţiei Spaniole
* Nin Génova, Juan María, preşedinte şi CEO, La Caixa
* H.M. Regina Sofia a Spaniei
* Ciliv, Süreyya, CEO, Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S.
* Gülek Domac, Tayyibe, fost ministru
* Koç, Mustafa V., preşedinte, Koç Holding A.S.
* Pekin, Sefika, partener fondator, Pekin & Bayar Law Firm
Statele Unite
* Alexander, Keith B., comandant, USCYBERCOM; Director, National Security Agency
* Altman, Roger C., preşedinte, Evercore Partners Inc.
* Bezos, Jeff, fondator şi CEO, Amazon.com
* Collins, Timothy C., CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC
* Feldstein, Martin S., George F. Baker profesor de Economie, Harvard University
* Hoffman, Reid, co-fondator şi preşedinte, LinkedIn
* Hughes, Chris R., co-fondator, Facebook
* Jacobs, Kenneth M., preşedinte& CEO, Lazard
* Johnson, James A., vicepreşedinte, Perseus, LLC
* Jordan, Jr., Vernon E., Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC
* Keane, John M., Senior Partner, SCP Partners; General, US Army, Retired
* Kissinger, Henry A., preşedinte, Kissinger Associates, Inc.
* Kleinfeld, Klaus, preşedinte şi CEO, Alcoa
* Kravis, Henry R., Co-Chairman and co-CEO, Kohlberg Kravis, Roberts & Co.
* Kravis, Marie-Josée, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc.
* Li, Cheng, Senior Fellow and Director of Research, John L. Thornton China Center, Brookings Institution
* Mundie, Craig J., Chief Research and Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation
* Orszag, Peter R., Vice Chairman, Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.
* Perle, Richard N., Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
* Rockefeller, David, fost preşedinte, Chase Manhattan Bank
* Rose, Charlie, Executive Editor and Anchor, Charlie Rose
* Rubin, Robert E., copreşedinte, Consiliul de Relaţii Externe; fost Secretar al Trezoreriei
* Schmidt, Eric, preşedinte, Google Inc.
* Steinberg, James B., Deputy Secretary of State
* Thiel, Peter A., preşedinte, Clarium Capital Management, LLC
* Varney, Christine A., Procuror General pe Politici Antitrust
* Vaupel, James W., director fondator, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
* Warsh, Kevin, fost guvernator, Federal Reserve Board
* Wolfensohn, James D., preşedinte, Wolfensohn & Company, LLC"
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