Întâlnirea „Trilateralei”. Cum i-au primit Băsescu şi Isărescu pe membrii misterioasei organizaţii de sute de miliarde de euro
Premierul Boc a rostit cuvântul de bun venit, iar preşedintele Băsescu le-a oferit un dineu conducătorilor din umbră ai planetei
Comisia Trilaterală (Trilateral Commission), una dintre cele mai influente organizaţii mondiale, şi-a ţinut la Bucureşti, de vineri până duminică, reuniunea anuală a "aripii" europene. Peste 100 de personalităţi din rândul politicienilor şi oamenilor de afaceri din spaţiul comunitar s-au întâlnit la Banca Naţională, sub patronajul guvernatorului BNR, Mugur Isărescu, unul din cei doi membri români ai Trilateralei, alături de Mihai Tănăsescu, reprezentantul României la FMI.
Între cei prezenţi şi la dineul oferit, sâmbătă, de preşedintele Traian Băsescu la Cotroceni s-au numărat Peter Sutherland - preşedintele Goldman Sachs, Jacob Frenkel - preşedintele JP Morgan Chase, Wolfgang Ischinger - preşedintele Conferinţei de Securitate de la München, Marek Belka - preşedintele Băncii Naţionale a Poloniei, Michael Fuchs - vicepreşedinte executiv al Comisiei şi vicepreşedintele CDU (partidul din care face parte cancelarul Germaniei, Angela Merkel), alţi reprezentanţi la vârf ai unor corporaţii internaţionale şi lideri politici, diplomaţi şi reprezentanţi elitei academice.
România, cap de afiş la dezbateri
Mihai Tănăsescu a declarat că "Aceşti oameni aduc progresul, aduc unitatea, o mai bună cunoaştere a lucrurilor care se întâmplă în fiecare ţară".
Oficial, în cadrul reuniunii s-au discutat subiecte generoase precum viitorul UE şi dezarmarea nucleară. Vineri, când guvernanţii asudau în urma creşterii temperaturii luptei sindicale, premierul Emil Boc şi-a găsit timp pentru a le adresa participanţilor un cuvânt de bun sosit.
Apoi, a început o dezbatere despre România şi vecinătăţile ei, la care au participat ministrul de Externe, Teodor Baconschi, şi fostul ministru de externe, fost ministru al Apărării, Teodor Meleşcanu, alături de fostul comisar european bulgar pentru Protecţia Consumatorilor, Meglena Kuneva, de ministrul moldovean de Externe, Iurie Leancă, şi de secretarul de stat adjunct din Ministerul de externe ungar Janos Hovari. Sâmbătă, s-a discutat despre situaţia Germaniei la 20 de ani de la reunificare şi despre felul în care criza economică mondială a afectat Europa.
Duminică, dezbaterile au fost axate pe globalizare, fiind prezentat mesajul directorului FMI, Dominique Strauss-Kahn. La final, a fost analizat un subiect favorit la preşedintelui Băsescu - politica internaţională în regiunea Mării Negre, felul în care se intersectează în zonă interesele Statelor Unite, Europei şi Rusiei.
O creaţie marca Rockefeller
Pe de altă parte, adversarii globalizării şi mai ales adepţii teoriilor conspiraţioniste văd în Comisia Trilaterală şi în organizaţia-soră (Consiliul pentru Relaţii Externe - Council on Foreign Relations - CFR) vârfurile de lance ale guvernării globale, fiecare reuniune a acestora fiind catalogată drept o nou pas spre întărirea puterii de manipulare a destinului planetar spre o viaţă în care câteva sute sau mii de inşi vor deţine o putere absolută, transfrontalieră, iar sclavagismul va reînflori.
Înfiinţată în iulie 1973, Comisia nu şi-a ascuns niciodată intenţiile de propagare a globalizării, dar susţine că o face exclusiv spre binele tuturor pământenilor, chiar dacă împotriva voinţei guvernelor. Miliardarul american David Rockefeller este preşedintele onorific al CFR şi al Comisiei Trilaterale şi cel care a avut iniţiativa înfiinţării acesteia din urmă.
Comisia Trilaterală face eforturi consistente pentru a fi percepută ca o organizaţie transparentă. Astfel, pe site-ul organizaţiei este publicată şi actualizată permanent lista cu toţi cei peste 300 de membri, între care 150 europeni, 107 asiatici şi restul nord-americani. În prezent, nu pot fi membri cei care deţin funcţii publice executive, dar lista cuprinde zeci de foşti sau viitori oficiali. De pildă, preşedintele european al Comisiei, Mario Monti, a fost comisar european pe probleme de concurenţă, între anii 1999 - 2005, iar unul dintre cei şapte preşedinţi onorifici, Paul Adolph Volker, a fost preşedintele Rezervelor Federale ale SUA, în mandatele democratului Jimmy Carter şi republicanului Ronald Reagan, iar în prezent conduce grupul de consilieri ai preşedintelui Obama pentru relansare economică.
Administraţia Carter a fost girată de Trilaterală
Există elemente care alimentează anatema de organizaţie ocultă în cazul Trilateralei, însă majoritatea au fost relevate în primii 20 de ani de existenţă ai organizaţiei. Astfel, faptul că fostul preşedinte american Jimmy Carter a fost un susţinător fervent al organizaţiei, că a participat la reuniunea acesteia din 1976 a fost cu totul "scăpat din vedere" de mass-media de peste Ocean în timpul campaniei prezidenţiale din 1976 - fapt devoalat într-o recenzie a administraţiei Carter, realizată cinci ani mai târziu, după ce conexiunea administraţiei cu Trilaterala a fost catalogată drept "Cea mai importantă ştire cenzurată".
În administraţia Carter, vicepreşedintele, ministrul de Externe, al Apărării şi ministrul Trezoreriei, împreună cu alţi oficiali de rang inferior erau membri ai Comisiei Trilaterale! Acuzaţii privind exercitarea puterii de influenţă a persoanelor respective în interesul Trilateralei continuă să apară chiar şi la 30 de ani de la consumarea evenimentelor.
EXPLICAŢIE De ce e criză în România
Greii finanţelor şi ai diplomaţiei internaţionale au fost informaţi, conform Ziarului Financiar, că în România nu a avut loc practic o criză financiară pentru că nu s-a păbuşit nicio bancă, statul nu a dat capital băncilor private aşa cum s-a întâmplat în Vest, iar BNR nu a ajutat sistemul bancar cu lichiditate decât pe o perioadă scurtă. Amploarea crizei din România ţine de faptul că politicienii nu au realizat cât de periculoasă este o politică fiscală şi salarială prociclică (cu creşteri de cheltuieli în perioadă de boom economic în loc de economisire), iar populaţia a căzut în capcana iluziei că expansiunea economică va dura la nesfârşit. Ca soluţie de atragere de capitaluri a fost invocată posibilitatea unei amnistii discale pentru români care deţin sume mari de bani în străinătate .
*Executive Committee
European Chairman North American Chairman Pacific Asian Chairman
European North American Pacific Asian
Deputy Chairman Deputy Chairman Deputy Chairman
European North American Pacific Asian
Deputy Chairman Deputy Chairman Deputy Chairman
Founder and Honorary Chairman
European European North American
Honorary Chairman Honorary Chairman Honorary Chairman
European Director North American Director Pacific Asian Director
Alexandre Adler, Scientific Director for Geopolitics, University of Paris-Dauphine; Journalist and Commentator, Paris
Urban Ahlin, Member of the Swedish Parliament and Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Stockholm
Esko Aho, Executive Vice President, Nokia, Helsinki; former Prime Minister of Finland
*Edmond Alphandéry, Chairman, CNP Assurances, Paris; former Chairman, Electricité de France (EDF); former Minister of the Economy and Finance
Jacques Andréani, Ambassadeur de France, Paris; former Ambassador to the United States
Jorge Armindo, Chairman, Amorim Turismo, Lisbon
Jerzy Baczynski, Editor-in-Chief, Polityka, Warsaw
Patricia Barbizet, Chief Executive Officer and Member of the Board of Directors, Artémis Group, Paris
Estela Barbot, Director, AGA; Director, Bank Santander Negocios; Member of the General Council, AEP -- Portuguese Business Association, Porto; General Honorary Consul of Guatemala, Lisbon
*Erik Belfrage, Senior Vice President, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken; Director, Investor AB, Stockholm
Marek Belka, President, National Bank of Poland, Warsaw; former Director, European Department, International Monetary Fund, Washington D.C.; former Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Geneva; former Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Poland; former Ambassador-at-Large and Chairman, Council for International Coordination, Coalition Provisional Authority, Baghdad
Baron Jean-Pierre Berghmans, Chairman of the Executive Board, Lhoist Group, Limelette, Belgium
*Georges Berthoin, International Honorary Chairman, European Movement; Honorary Chairman, The Jean Monnet Association; Honorary European Chairman, The Trilateral Commission, Paris
Nicolas Beytout, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Groupe Les Echos; former Editor of Le Figaro and Les Echos, Paris
Carl Bildt, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden; former Chairman, Kreab Group of public affairs companies; former Chairman, Nordic Venture Network, Stockholm; former Member of the Swedish Parliament, Chairman of the Moderate Party and Prime Minister of Sweden; former European Union High Representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina & UN Special Envoy to the Balkans
Manfred Bischoff, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Daimler AG, Munich; former Member of the Board of Management, Daimler AG; former Chairman, EADS
Antonio Borges, Chairman, Hedge Fund Standards Board, London
Ana Patricia Botin, Executive Chairman, Banesto; Vice Chairman, Urbis; Member of the Management Committee, Santander Group, Madrid
Jean-Louis Bourlanges, Member, State Audit Court (Cour des Comptes), Paris; Associated Professor, Institute for Political Studies in Paris; former Member of the European Parliament, Brussels; former President of the European Movement in France, Paris
*Jorge Braga de Macedo, President, Tropical Research Institute, Lisbon; Professor of Economics, Nova University at Lisbon; Chairman, Forum Portugal Global; former Minister of Finance
*Lord Brittan of Spennithorne, Vice Chairman, UBS Investment Bank, London; Trade Adviser to the Prime Minister; former Vice President, European Commission
Jean-Louis Bruguière, EU High Representative to the United States on the Terrorist Finance Tracking Programme (TFTP/SWIFT); Judge, Paris
John Bruton, former European Union Ambassador & Head, Delegation of the European Commission to the United States; former Prime Minister of Ireland, Dublin
Robin Buchanan, Senior Adviser, Bain & Company, London; former Dean and President, London Business School
*François Bujon de l'Estang, Ambassadeur de France; Chairman, Citi France, Paris; former Ambassador to the United States
Edelgard Bulmahn, Member of the German Bundestag; former Federal Minister, Berlin
Richard Burrows, Chairman, British American Tobacco, London; former Governor, Bank of Ireland; former President, IBEC (The Irish Business and Employers Confederation), Dublin
Erhard Busek, Chairman, Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM); President, EU-Russia Centre; President, European Forum Alpbach; former Special Co-ordinator of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe; Former Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister, Vienna
Hervé de Carmoy, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, ETAM, Paris; Honorary Chairman, Banque Industrielle et Mobilière Privée, Paris; former Chief Executive, Société Générale de Belgique
Salvatore Carrubba, Director of Strategies and Columnist, Il Sole 24 Ore, Milan; former Culture Alderman, Municipality of Milan
Jürgen Chrobog, Chairman, BMW Herbert Quandt Foundation, Munich; former German Deputy Foreign Minister and Ambassador to the United States
Luc Coene, Minister of State; Deputy Governor, National Bank of Belgium, Brussels
Bertrand Collomb, Honorary Chairman, Lafarge; Chairman, Institut des Hautes Etudes pour la Science et la Technologie (IHEST); Chairman, Institut Français des Relations Internationales (IFRI); Member of the Institut de France, Paris
Patrick Combes, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Compagnie Financière Tradition and
Viel & Cie., Paris
Iain Conn, Managing Director and Chief Executive of Refining & Marketing, BP, London
*Richard Conroy, Chairman, Conroy Diamonds & Gold, Dublin; Member of Senate, Republic of Ireland
Jean-François Copé, Member of the French National Assembly; Chairman of the UMP Parliamentary Group; Former Member of the French Government, Paris
Eckhard Cordes, Chief Executive Officer, Metro Group, Düsseldorf; former CEO Haniel, Duisburg; former Member of the Board, DaimlerChrysler
*Alfonso Cortina, Vice Chairman of Rothschild Europe; Senior Advisor for Spain and Latin America of Rothschild; Senior Advisor for Spain of Texas Pacific Group; Member of the Board of Directors of Mutua Madrileña; Member of the International Advisory Board of Allianz AG, Madrid
Eduardo Costa, Executive Vice Chairman, Banco Finantia, Lisbon; Member, Forum Portugal Global
Enrico Tomaso Cucchiani, Member of the Board of Management, Allianz SE, Munich; Chairman, Allianz S.p.A., Trieste
Caroline Daniel, Editor, FT Weekend, Financial Times, London
Michel David-Weill, Former Chairman, Lazard LLC, worldwide; Chairman of the Supervisory Board, EURAZEO, Paris
*Vladimir Dlouhy, International Advisor, Goldman Sachs; former Czechoslovak Minister of Economy; former Czech Minister of Industry & Trade, Prague; European Deputy Chairman, Trilateral Commission
Pedro Miguel Echenique, Professor of Physics, University of the Basque Country; President, Foundation Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC); former Basque Minister of Education, San Sebastian
Gabriel Eichler, Founder, Benson Oak, Prague
John Elkann, Chairman, Fiat Group, Turin
Anna Ekström, President, The Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations, Saco, Stockholm
Guy Elliott, Finance Director, Rio Tinto, London
Oscar Fanjul, Vice Chairman, Omega Capital; former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Repsol, Madrid
Nemesio Fernandez-Cuesta, Executive Director of Upstream, Repsol-YPF; former Chairman, Prensa Española, Madrid
Jürgen Fitschen, Member of the Management Board and Member of the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt-am-Main
Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger, Foreign Editor, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurt am Main
Louise Fresco, University Professor, University of Amsterdam; Member of the Board of non-executive Directors, RABO Bank, Utrecht; former Assistant Director-General, Head of Agriculture Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Rome
Hugh Friel, Chairman, Tourism Ireland; former Chief Executive Officer, Kerry Group, Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ireland
*Michael Fuchs, Member of the German Bundestag, Berlin; Deputy Chairman of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group; former President, National Federation of German Wholesale & Foreign Trade; European Deputy Chairman, Trilateral Commission
*Antonio Garrigues Walker, Chairman, Garrigues Abogados y Asesores Tributarios, Madrid
Wolfgang Gerhardt, Member of the German Bundestag; Chairman of the Friedrich-Naumann Foundation; former Chairman of the Free Democratic Party, Berlin
Lord Gilbert, Member of the House of Lords; former Minister for Defence, London
Esther Giménez-Salinas, Rector, Ramon Llull University; Professor of Criminal Law, ESADE Law School, Ramon Llull University, Barcelone
Dermot Gleeson, Chairman of the Governing Body of University College Cork, and of Travelport Jersey Ltd.; former Chairman, AIB Group, Dublin
Stephen Green, Group Chairman, HSBC, London; Chairman, British Bankers’ Association; Chairman, Prime Minister’s Business Council for Britain
Pierfrancesco Guarguaglini, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Finmeccanica, Rome
Federica Guidi, Chief Executive and Vice President, DUCATI Energia, Bologna; Member of the Board of Directors, DUCATI Energia Group; National President of Confindustria Young Entrepreneurs
Elisabeth Guigou, Deputy Chairman and Member of the French National Assembly; former Minister for European Affairs, Paris
General The Lord Guthrie, Director, N M Rothschild & Sons, London; Member of the House of Lords; former Chief of the Defence Staff, London
Helga Hernes, Senior Advisor, PRIO (International Peace Research Institute Oslo); Chair, Norwegian Parliamentary Intelligence Oversight Committee, Oslo; former Norwegian Ambassador
Nigel Higgins, Chief Executive, The Rothschild Group, London
Wolfgang Ischinger, Global Head of Government Relations, Allianz SE, Munich; Chairman, The Munich Security Conference on Security Policy; former European Member of the Troïka on the Kosovo Status Determination; former German Deputy Foreign Minister and former German Ambassador to the United States and to the United Kingdom
*Mugur Isarescu, Governor, National Bank of Romania, Bucharest; former Prime Minister
Baron Daniel Janssen, Honorary Chairman, Solvay, Brussels
Lady Barbara Judge, Chairman, UK Pension Protection Fund, London; former Chairman, UKAEA (United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority); former US Securities Exchange Commissioner
*Béla Kadar, Member of the Hungarian Academy, Budapest; Member of the Monetary Council of the National Bank; President of the Hungarian Economic Association; former Ambassador of Hungary to the O.E.C.D., Paris; former Hungarian Minister of International Economic Relations and Member of Parliament
Admiral Juhani Kaskeala, former Chief of the Finnish Defence Forces, Helsinki
Robert Kassai, General Vice President, The National Association of Craftmen’s Corporations, Budapest
*Lord Kerr of Kinlochard, Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc; Member of the House of Lords, London; former British Ambassador to the United States; former Secretary General, European Convention; Chairman of the Advisory Group to the Trilateral Commission (Europe)
*Sixten Korkman, Managing Director, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy (ETLA) & Finnish Business and Policy Forum (EVA), Helsinki
Arpad Kovacs, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Hungarian Power Companies; Professor, Szeged University; former President, State Audit Office of Hungary, Budapest
Gabor Kovacs, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Bankar Holding; Founder, KOGART (the Kovacs Gabor Art Foundation), Budapest
Jerzy Kozminski, President and Chief Executive Officer, Polish-American Freedom Foundation; former Ambassador to the United States; former First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Warsaw
Ivan Krastev, Chairman of the Board and Programme Director for Political Research, Centre for Liberal Strategies, Sofia; Editor-in-Chief, Bulgarian Edition, Foreign Policy
Jiri Kunert, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, UniCredit Bank Czech Republic; President of the Czech Association of Banks, Prague
Ulysses Kyriacopoulos, Chairman, S&B Group; former Chairman, Federation of Greek Industries, Athens
Anne Lauvergeon, Chief Executive Officer, AREVA, Paris
*Eli Leenaars, Member, ING Management Board Banking; Vice Chairman, Netherlands Banker’s Association, Amsterdam
Ulrich Lehner, Chairman of the Board of Deutsche Telekom, Bonn; President of the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI), Frankfurt am Main; Member of the Shareholders´ Committee of Henkel, Düsseldorf; former Chief Executive Officer, Henkel, Düsseldorf
Enrico Letta, Member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies; former Under State Secretary in the Office of Prime Minister Prodi; former Minister of European Affairs, Industry, and of Industry and International Trade, Rome
*Thomas Leysen, Chairman of the Board, Umicore, Brussels
*Marianne Lie, Partner, Vox Politica; former Director General, Norwegian Shipowner’s Association, Oslo
Erkki Liikanen, Chairman of the Board, Bank of Finland, Helsinki; former Finnish Minister of Finance; former European Commissioner
Peter Löscher, Chief Executive Officer, Siemens, Munich
Abel Matutes, Chairman, Empresas Matutes Group, Ibiza; former Member of the European Commission, Brussels; former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Madrid
Lord Mandelson, Member of the House of Lords; former Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform; former Member of the European Commission (Trade), Brussels; former Secretary of State to Northern Ireland and for Trade and Industry, United Kingdom
Friedrich Merz, President, Atlantik-Brücke, Berlin; Partner, Mayer Brown, Berlin; former Member of the German Bundestag; former Member of the European Parliament; former Chairman of the Parliamentary Group of the CDU/CSU in the Bundestag, Berlin
Peter Mitterbauer, Honorary President, The Federation of Austrian Industry, Vienna; President and Chief Executive Officer, Miba, Laakirchen
Dominique Moïsi, Special Advisor to the Director General of the French Institute for International Relations (IFRI), Paris
*Mario Monti, President, Bocconi University, Milan; former Member of the European Commission (Competition Policy and Internal Market); Honorary President, BRUEGEL, Brussels; European Chairman, Trilateral Commission
Sir Mark Moody-Stuart, Chairman, The Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; former Chairman, Anglo American; former Chairman, Royal Dutch/Shell Group, London
Klaus-Peter Müller, Chairman of the Board, Commerzbank, Frankfurt-am-Main; former CEO, Commerzbank, Frankfurt-am-Main; former President, Association of German Banks (BDB), Berlin
Harald Norvik, Chairman of the Board, Telenor; Member of the Board, Conocophillips; former President and Chief Executive, Statoil, Oslo
Ewald Nowotny, Governor of the Austrian National Bank; former Chief Executive Officer, BAWAG P.S.K., Vienna
Denis O’Brien, Chairman, Digicel; Founder, Communicorp Group, Dublin
Arend Oetker, President, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP); Vice Chairman, Federation of German Industries; Managing Director, Dr. Arend Oetker Holding, Berlin
*Andrzej Olechowski, Founder, Civic Platform; former Chairman, Bank Handlowy; former Minister of Foreign Affairs and of Finance, Warsaw
Richard Olver, Chairman, BAE Systems, London
Dimitry Panitza, Founding Chairman, The Free and Democratic Bulgaria Foundation; Founder and Chairman, The Bulgarian School of Politics, Sofia
Lucas Papademos, Former Vice President, European Central Bank, Frankfurt-am-Main; Honorary Governor of the Bank of Greece
Lord Patten of Barnes, Chancellor of the University of Oxford; Co-Chairman, International Crisis Group, Brussels; former Member of the European Commission (External Relations), Brussels; former Governor of Hong Kong; former Member of the British Cabinet, London
Volker Perthes, Chairman and Director, German Institute for International and Security Affairs,
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin
Carlo Pesenti, Managing Director, Italcementi, Bergamo
Dieter Pfundt, Senior Advisor, Silvia Quandt & Cie., Frankfurt-am-Main
*Ursula Plassnik, Member of the Austrian Parliament; Special Envoy for International Women Issues; former Federal Minister for European and International Affairs, Vienna
Ignacio Polanco, Chairman, Grupo Prisa including El Pais and Timon, Madrid
Roberto Poli, Chairman, ENI, Rome
Benoît Potier, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Air Liquide, Paris
Borja Prado, Chairman, Endesa; Chairman, Mediobanca Spain for Iberia and South-America, Madrid
Dieter Rampl, Chairman, UniCredit Group, Milan
Luigi Ramponi, Member of the Italian Senate; former Chairman of the Defence Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, Rome; former Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff (Italian Army)
Denis Ranque, Chairman, Technicolor, Paris; former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Thales, Paris
Wanda Rapaczynski, Advisor to the Supervisory Board and former President of the Management Board, Agora, Warsaw
Heinz Riesenhuber, Member of the German Bundestag; former Federal Minister of Research and Technology, Berlin; Chairman of the Supervisory Boards of Kabel Deutschland and of Evotec
Steen Riisgaard, President and Chief Executive Officer, Novozymes, Copenhagen
Alexander Rinnooy Kan, Chairman, Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER), The Hague
Gianfelice Rocca, Chairman, Techint Group of Companies, Milan; Vice President, Confindustria, Rome
Fernando Rodés Vilà, Chief Executive Officer, Havas Group, Barcelona & Paris
H. Onno Ruding, Chairman, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels; former Vice Chairman, Citibank; former Dutch Minister of Finance
*Ferdinando Salleo, Vice Chairman, MCC (Mediocredito Centrale), Rome; former Ambassador to the United States
Enrico Salza, Former Chairman of the Management Board, Intesa Sanpaolo, Turin
Jacques Santer, Honorary State Minister, Luxembourg; former Member of the European Parliament; former President of the European Commission; former Prime Minister of Luxembourg
Andreas Schmitz, President, Association of German Banks (BDB), Berlin; Chief Executive Officer, HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt, Düsseldorf
Henning Schulte-Noelle, Chairman of the Supervisory Board and former Chief Executive Officer, Allianz, Munich
Karel Schwarzenberg, Member of the Czech Senate; Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs; Founder and Director, Nadace Bohemiae, Prague; former Chancellor to President Havel
*Carlo Secchi, Professor of European Economic Policy and former Rector, Bocconi University; Vice President, ISPI, Milan; former Member of the Italian Senate and of the European Parliament
*Tøger Seidenfaden, Editor-in-Chief, Politiken, Copenhagen
Maurizio Sella, Chairman, Gruppo Banca Sella, Biella; former Chairman, Association of Italian Banks (A.B.I.), Rome
Tomasz Sielicki , Vice Chairman, Sygnity, Warsaw
Slawomir S. Sikora, Chief Executive Officer and Citigroup Country Officer for Poland, Bank Handlowy w Warszawie, Warsaw
Yves-Thibault de Silguy, Chairman, VINCI, Paris
Stefano Silvestri, President, Institute for International Affairs (IAI), Rome; Commentator, Il Sole 24 Ore; former Under Secretary of State for Defence, Italy
Lord Simon of Highbury, Member of the House of Lords; Non-Executive Director of GDF Suez Group; Senior Adviser of Morgan Stanley International; former Deputy Chairman of Unilever; former Minister for Trade & Competitiveness in Europe; former Chairman of BP, London
Nicholas Soames, Member of the British Parliament, London
Javier Solana, President, ESADE Center for Global Economic and Geopolitics; Advisor on International Strategy, Acciona Group, Madrid; former Secretary General of the Council of the European Union and EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy; former Secretary General of NATO; former Minister for Foreign Affairs of Spain and Member of the Parliament, Madrid
Sir Martin Sorrell, Chief Executive Officer, WPP Group, London
*Petar Stoyanov, former President of the Republic of Bulgaria; Member of the Bulgarian Parliament
and Chairman of Parliamentary Group of United Democratic Forces; Chairman of Union of Democratic Forces, Sofia
Peter Straarup, Chairman of the Executive Board, Danske Bank, Copenhagen; Chairman, the Danish Bankers Association
*Peter Sutherland, Chairman, Goldman Sachs International; Chairman of the London School of Economics; UN Special Representative for Migration and Development; former Chairman, BP p.l.c.; former Director General, GATT/WTO; former Member of the European Commission; former Attorney General of Ireland; Honorary European Chairman, Trilateral Commission
Mihai Tanasescu, Senior Adviser and Member of the Executive Board, International Monetary Fund (IMF); former Minister of Public Finance of Romania, Bucharest
Andreas Treichl, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Erste Bank der Oesterreichischen Sparkassen, Vienna
Marco Tronchetti Provera, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Pirelli & C., Milan; Deputy Chairman, Confindustria, Rome; former Chairman, Telecom Italia
Elsbeth Tronstad, Executive Vice President, SN Power; former Executive Director, Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO); former Executive Vice President, ABB, Oslo
Loukas Tsoukalis, Special Adviser to the President of the European Commission; Professor at the University of Athens and the College of Europe; President of the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), Athens
Jens Ulltveit-Moe, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, UMOE Group; former President, Federation of Norwegian Industry; former President, Norwegian Shipowners Federation, Oslo
*Raivo Vare, Owner, Live Nature Eesti OÜ; Partner, Sthenos Group and OÜ RVVE Group; Chairman of the Council of the Parliament’s Development Fund, Member of the President’s Academic Advisory Board; former Minister of State and former Minister of Transport and Communication, Tallinn
*George Vassiliou, former Head of the Negotiating Team for the Accession of Cyprus to the European Union; former President of the Republic of Cyprus; former Member of Parliament and Leader of United Democrats, Nicosia
Franco Venturini, Senior Editorial Commentator on Foreign Affairs, Corriere della Sera, Rome
Margrethe Vestager, Member of the Danish Parliament; Chairwoman of the Social Liberal Party Parliamentary Group; former Minister of Education, Copenhagen
Janne Virkkunen, Senior Editor-in-Chief, Helsingin Sanomat, Helsinki
*Marko Voljc, Chief Executive Officer, Central and Eastern Europe and Russia Business Unit and Member of the Executive Committee, KBC Group, Brussels; former Chief Executive Officer, Nova Ljubljanska Banka, Ljubljana
Alexandr Vondra, Member of the Czech Senate; Minister of Defence; former Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs; former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Prague
Joris Voorhoeve, Member of the Council of State; former Member of the Dutch Parliament; former Minister of Defence, The Hague
*Panagis Vourloumis, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Hellenic Telecommunications Organization (O.T.E.), Athens
Peter Wallenberg Jr., Chairman, Foundation Asset Management Sweden AB (FAM), Stockholm
*Heinrich Weiss, Chief Executive Officer, SMS, Düsseldorf; former Chairman, Federation of German Industries, Berlin
Nout Wellink, President, Dutch Central Bank, Amsterdam
Hans Wijers, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Akzo Nobel, Arnhem
Alexander Wilmot-Sitwell, Co-Chief Executive Officer, UBS Investment Bank, London
Matthias Wissmann, President, The German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA), Berlin; former Member of German Bundestag; former Federal Minister
Emilio Ybarra, former Chairman, Banco Bilbao-Vizcaya, Madrid
Former Members in Public Service
Lene Espersen, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Denmark
Grete Faremo, Minister for Defence; former Norwegian Minister of Development Cooperation, Minister of Justice and Minister of Oil and Energy, Oslo
Lykke Friis, Minister for Climate and Energy and Gender Equality; former Pro-Rector, University of Copenhagen; Member of the EU Reflection Group on the Future of Europe (Horizon 2020-2030), Copenhagen
Toomas Hendrik Ilves, President of the Republic of Estonia, Tallinn
Francis Maude, Member of the British Parliament; Minister for the Cabinet Office and Paymaster General, London
Graham Allison, Director, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, and Douglas Dillon Professor of Government, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; former Dean, John F. Kennedy School of Government; former Special Advisor to the Secretary of Defense under President Ronald Reagan and former Assistant Secretary of Defense under President William Clinton
Roger Altman, Co-Chairman of the Board, Evercore Partners, New York, NY
Zoë Baird, President, The Markle Foundation, New York, NY
James L. Balsillie, Co-Chief Executive Officer, Research in Motion, Ltd., Waterloo, ON; Chair, Canadian International Council (CIC)
Alan R. Batkin, Vice Chairman, Eton Park Capital Management, New York, NY
Nani Beccalli-Falco, President and Chief Executive Officer, GE International, Brussels, Belgium
*C. Fred Bergsten, Director, Peterson Institute for International Economics, Washington, DC; former U.S. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs
*Catherine Bertini, Professor of Public Administration, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY; former Under Secretary-General for Management, United Nations; former Executive Director, UN World Food Program.
Karan Bhatia, Vice President and Senior Counsel, International Law and Policy, General Electric Company, Fairfield, CT
Robert D. Blackwill, Henry A. Kissinger Senior Fellow for U.S. Foreign Policy, Council on Foreign Relations, Washington, DC; former Senior Fellow, The RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA; former Deputy Assistant to President George W. Bush and Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Planning; former Ambassador to India
Herminio Blanco Mendoza, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Soluciones Estratégicas, Mexico City, NL; former Mexican Secretary of Commerce and Industrial Development
Stephen W. Bosworth, U.S. Special Representative for North Korea Policy; Dean, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, Medford, MA; former U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Korea
David G. Bradley, Chairman, Atlantic Media Company, Washington, DC
Scott A. Brison, Member of Parliament, House of Commons, Ottawa, ON
David Brooks, Op-Ed Columnist, The New York Times, Washington, DC
Gord Brown, Member of Parliament, House of Commons, Ottawa ON
Harold Brown, Counselor and Trustee, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC; former General Partner, Warburg Pincus & Company, New York, NY; former U.S. Secretary of Defense
R. Nicholas Burns, Professor of the Practice of Diplomacy and International Politics and Member of the Board, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
Sylvia Mathews Burwell, President, Global Development Programs, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle, WA
Louis C. Camilleri, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Philip Morris International, New York, NY
Wendy J. Chamberlin, President, Middle East Institute, Washington, DC
Raymond Chrétien, Partner and Strategic Advisor, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP, Montreal, QC; Chairman of the Board of Directors, Montréal Council on Foreign Relations (MCFR); former Associate Under Secretary of State of External Affairs; former Ambassador to the Congo, Belgium, Mexico, the United States, and France
Eliot Cohen, Robert E. Osgood Professor of Strategic Studies, Director of Strategic Studies Program, and Director of Philip Merrill Center for Strategic Studies, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC; former Counselor to the U.S. Secretary of State
William T. Coleman III, Partner, Alsop Louie Partners, San Francisco, CA; Founder, former Chairman and CEO, Cassatt Corporation; Founder, former Chairman and CEO and Member, Board of Directors, BEA Systems, Inc.
William T. Coleman, Jr., Senior Partner and the Senior Counselor, O’Melveny & Myers, Washington, DC; former U.S. Secretary of Transportation; Lifetime Trustee, Trilateral Commission
Timothy C. Collins, Chief Executive Officer and Senior Managing Director, Ripplewood Holdings,
New York, NY
Richard N. Cooper, Maurits C. Boas Professor of International Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; former Chairman, U.S. National Intelligence Council; former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
E. Gerald Corrigan, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs Bank, New York, NY; former President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
David M. Cote, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Honeywell International Inc., Morristown, NJ
Lee Cullum, Contributing Columnist, Dallas Morning News; Radio and Television Commentator,
Dallas, TX
H. Lawrence Culp, Jr., President and Chief Executive Officer, Danaher Corporation, Washington, DC
Arthur A. DeFehr, President and Chief Executive Officer, Palliser Furniture, Winnipeg, MB
André Desmarais, President and Co-Chief Executive Officer, Power Corporation of Canada, Montréal, QC; Deputy Chairman, Power Financial Corporation
John M. Deutch, Institute Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA; former Director of Central Intelligence; former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense
Peter C. Dobell, Founding Director, Parliamentary Centre, Ottawa, ON
Paula J. Dobriansky, Senior Vice President and Head of Government Affairs (Americas), Thomson Reuters, Washington, DC, and Adjunct Senior Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University; former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs
Wendy K. Dobson, Professor and Director, Institute for International Business, Jospeh L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON; former Canadian Associate Deputy Minister of Finance
*Kenneth M. Duberstein, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Duberstein Group, Washington, DC; former Chief of Staff to President Ronald Reagan
William C. Dudley, President and Chief Executive Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of New York,
New York, NY Michael Duffy, Assistant Managing Editor, TIME Magazine, Washington, DC
Peggy Dulany, Founder and Chair, Synergos Institute, New York, NY
Jessica P. Einhorn, Dean, Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC; former Managing Director for Finance and Resource Mobilization, World Bank
Dianne Feinstein, Member (D-CA), U.S. Senate
Martin S. Feldstein, Member, U.S. President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board; George F. Baker Professor of Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; President Emeritus, National Bureau of Economic Research; former Chairman, U.S. President’s Council of Economic Advisors
Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., Member, U.S. President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board; President and Chief Executive Officer, TIAA-CREF, New York, NY; former Vice Chairman, Board of Governors, U.S. Federal Reserve System
Richard W. Fisher, President and Chief Executive Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Dallas, TX; former U.S. Deputy Trade Representative
*Thomas S. Foley, former U.S. Ambassador to Japan; former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives; former North American Chairman, Trilateral Commission, Washington, DC
Kristin J. Forbes, Jerome and Dorothy Lemelson Professor of Management and Professor of Global Economics and Management, MIT Sloan School of Management, Cambridge, MA; former Member of the U.S. Council of Economic Advisers
Dionisio Garza, Honorary President and Member of the Board, ALFA, Garza Garcia, NL
*David R. Gergen, Harvard Kennedy School Professor of Public Service and Director of the Center for Public Leadership, Cambridge, MA; CNN Senior Political Analyst; U.S. News and World Report Editor-at-Large
Francisco Gil-Díaz, Executive President, Telefónica de España-México and Central América, Mexico City, DF
Peter C. Godsoe, retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Scotiabank, Toronto, ON
Donald J. Gogel, President and Chief Executive Officer, Clayton Dubilier and Rice, New York, NY
*Allan E. Gotlieb, Senior Advisor, Bennett Jones LLP, Toronto, ON; Chairman, Sotheby’s, Canada; former Canadian Ambassador to the United States; North American Deputy Chairman, Trilateral Commission
Bill Graham, former Member of Canadian House of Commons; former Minister of Foreign Affairs and former Minister of Defence, Ottawa; former leader of the Official Opposition and former interim leader of the Liberal Party of Canada; Chancellor, Trinity College, University of Toronto; Chair of The Atlantic Council of Canada; Co-Vice Chair of Canadian International Council; Hon. L.Col. of the Governor General’s Horse Guards
Donald Graham, Chairman, The Washington Post Company, Washington, DC
James T. Hackett, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Anadarko Petroleum Corp., The Woodlands, TX
*John J. Hamre, President, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC; former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense and Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)
William A. Haseltine, President, William A. Haseltine Foundation for Medical Sciences and the Arts, Washington, DC; Founder and former Chairman and Chief Executive, Human Genome Sciences
Carlos Heredia, Chairman and Professor, Department of International Studies, Center for Research and Teaching in Economics (CIDE), Mexico City, DF
John B. Hess, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Hess Corporation, New York, NY
*Carla A. Hills, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Hills & Company, International Consultants, Washington, DC; former U.S. Trade Representative; former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
*Karen Elliott House, Writer, Princeton, NJ; former Adjunct Senior Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; former Senior Vice President, Dow Jones & Company, and Publisher, The Wall Street Journal
Walter Isaacson, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Aspen Institute, Washington, DC
Reuben Jeffery III, Chief Executive Officer, Rockefeller Financial, New York, NY; Senior Adviser, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC; former Under Secretary of State for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs; and former Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Alejandro Junco de la Vega, President and Director, Grupo Reforma, Monterrey, NL
Robert Kagan, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy, Center on the United States and Europe, Brookings Institution, Washington, DC
Charles R. Kaye, Co-President, Warburg Pincus LLC, New York, NY
Robert P. Kelly, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Bank of New York Mellon, New York, NY
Colin Kenny, Member, Senate of Canada, Ottawa, ON
Robert M. Kimmitt, Chairman, Deloitte Center for Cross-Border Investment, Washington, DC; former U.S. Deputy Secretary of the Treasury; former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs; and former U.S. Ambassador to Germany
James Kimsey, President and Executive Director, The Kimsey Foundation, Washington, DC
Henry A. Kissinger, Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc., New York, NY; former U.S. Secretary of State; former U.S. Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs; Lifetime Trustee, Trilateral Commission
Michael Klein, M Klein Associates LLC, New York, NY; former Chairman and Co-Chief Executive Officer, Citi Markets & Banking
Enrique Krauze, General Director, Editorial Clio Libros y Videos, S.A. de C.V., Mexico City, DF
Harold (Hal) Kvisle, former President and Chief Executive Officer, TransCanada Corporation,
Calgary, AB
Fred Langhammer, Chairman, Global Affairs, and former Chief Executive Officer, The Estée Lauder Companies, Inc., New York, NY
Andrew N. Liveris, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Dow Chemical Company, Midland, MI
Winston Lord, Chairman Emeritus and former Co-Chairman of the Board, International Rescue Committee, New York, NY; former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs; former U.S. Ambassador to China
*Roy MacLaren, former Canadian Minister, Toronto, ON
John A. MacNaughton, Chairman, Business Development Bank of Canada, Toronto, ON
Antonio Madero, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, San Luis Corporacion, S.A. de C.V., Mexico City, DF
John Manley, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE); former Counsel, McCarthy Tétrault LLP, Ottawa, ON; former Canadian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance
*Sir Deryck Maughan, Member, KKR & Co.; Head, Global Financial Services Group; New York, NY
Jay Mazur, President Emeritus, UNITE (Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees, and President, ILGWU's 21st Century Heritage Foundation, New York, NY
David H. McCormick, Senior Leader, Bridgewater Associates, Westport, CT
Heather Munroe-Blum, Principal and Vice-Chancellor and Professor in Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, QC
John D. Negroponte, Vice Chair, McLarty Associates, Washington, DC; former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State; former U.S. Director of National Intelligence; former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and former U.S. Ambassador to Iraq
*Joseph S. Nye, Jr., University Distinguished Service Professor and former Dean, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; former Chair, National Intelligence Council and former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs;
North American Chairman, Trilateral Commission
Meghan L. O'Sullivan, Jeane Kirkpatrick Professor of the Practice of International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; former Special Assistant to President George W. Bush and Deputy National Security Advisor for Iraq and Afghanistan, National Security Council, The White House
Dinesh Paliwal, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, and President, Harman International Industries, Inc.,
Martha C. Piper, former President and Vice-Chancellor, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
Richard Plepler, Co-president, HBO, New York, NY
John Podesta, President and Chief Executive Officer, Center for American Progress, Washington, DC; former Chief of Staff to President William J. Clinton
Adam S. Posen, Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics, Washington, DC; Member, Monetary Policy Committee, Bank of England, London, UK
Charles B. Rangel, Member (D-NY), U.S. House of Representatives
Federico Reyes Heroles, Writer and Political Analyst, Chairman of the Board of Este Pais Magazine, and Chairman of the Board, Transparencia Mexicana, Mexico City, DF
Condoleezza Rice, Professor of Political Science, Stanford University, and Thomas and Barbara Stephenson Senior Fellow on Public Policy, Hoover Institution, Palo Alto, CA; former U. S. Secretary of State; former National Security Advisor to President George W. Bush
Joseph E. Robert, Jr., Founder and Executive Chairman, J.E. Robert Companies, McLean, VA
David Rockefeller, Founder, Honorary Chairman, and Lifetime Trustee, Trilateral Commission,
New York, NY
John D. Rockefeller IV, Member (D-WV), U.S. Senate
Charles Rose, Host of the Charlie Rose Show and Charlie Rose Special Edition, PBS, New York, NY
David M. Rubenstein, Co-founder and Managing Director, The Carlyle Group, Washington, DC
*Luis Rubio, President, Center of Research for Development (CIDAC), Mexico City, DF
Arthur F. Ryan, former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Prudential Financial, Inc., Newark, NJ
*Susan Schwab, Professor, Maryland School of Public Policy, University of Maryland, College Park, MD; former U.S. Trade Representative
Hugh Segal, Member, Senate of Canada (Conservative, Ontario); Member, Special Senate Committee on Terrorism; former Chair, Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs; Vice Chair (Research), Canadian International Council; and former President, Institute for Research on Public Policy
Jaime Serra, Chairman, SAI Law and Economics, and Founder, Aklara, the Arbitration Center of Mexico, and the NAFTA Fund of Mexico, Mexico City, DF
Susan Shirk, Director, University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, and Ho Miu Lam Professor of China and Pacific Affairs, School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, University of California, San Diego, CA
Dinakar Singh, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, TPG-Axon Capital, New York, NY;
former Co-head, Principal Strategies Department, Goldman Sachs
Gordon Smith, Director, Centre for Global Studies, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC
Donald R. Sobey, Chairman Emeritus, Empire Company Ltd., Halifax, NS
Nancy Southern, President and Chief Executive Officer, ATCO Ltd. and Canadian Utilities Limited, Calgary, AB
Ronald D. Southern, Chairman, ATCO Group, Calgary, AB
Jessica Stern, Writer, Boston, MA; 2009 Guggenheim Fellow; Member, Hoover Institution’s Task Force on National Security and Law
Barbara Stymiest, Chief Operating Officer and Group Head, Strategy, Treasury & Corporate Services, Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto, ON
John J. Sweeney, former President, AFL-CIO, Washington, DC
*Strobe Talbott, President, The Brookings Institution, Washington, DC; former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State
Luis Téllez, Chairman of the Board, Mexican Stock Exchange, Mexico City, DF; former Secretary of Communications and Transportation of Mexico
G. Richard Thoman, Managing Partner, Corporate Perspectives and Adjunct Professor, Columbia University, New York, NY; former President and Chief Executive Officer, Xerox Corporation; former Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, IBM Corporation
Frances Fragos Townsend, Partner, Baker Botts L.L.P., Washington, DC; CNN National Security Contributor; former Assistant to President George W. Bush for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism and Chair, Homeland Security Council
Ann M. Veneman, former Executive Director, UNICEF; former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture;
New York, NY
*Paul A. Volcker, Chairman, President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board; former Chairman, Wolfensohn & Co., Inc., New York; Frederick H. Schultz Professor Emeritus, International Economic Policy, Princeton University; former Chairman, Board of Governors, U.S. Federal Reserve System; Honorary North American Chairman and former North American Chairman, Trilateral Commission
David Walker, President and CEO, Peter G. Peterson Foundation, New York, NY
R. Keith Walton, Senior Adviser, Global Infrastructure Partners, New York, NY
Daniel Yergin, Chairman, IHS CERA Cambridge, Cambridge, MA
*Lorenzo H. Zambrano, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, CEMEX, Monterrey, NL; North American Deputy Chairman, Trilateral Commission
Ernesto Zedillo, Director, Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, Yale University, New Haven, CT; former President of Mexico
Philip Zelikow, White Burkett Miller Professor of History, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA; former Counselor, U.S. Department of State; former Executive Director, National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States (“9/11 Commission”)
Mortimer B. Zuckerman, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief, U.S. News & World Report, and Publisher, New York Daily News; Founder and Chairman of Boston Properties, Inc.; New York, NY
Former Members in Public Service
Stephen Bosworth, U.S. Special Representative for North Korea Policy*
Lael Brainard, Under Secretary for International Affairs, U.S. Department of the Treasury
Kurt Campbell, Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, U.S. State Department
Thomas E. Donilon, U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor
Diana Farrell, Deputy Director, National Economic Council, and Deputy Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, The White House
Michael B. G. Froman, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security and Economic Policy, The White House
Timothy F. Geithner, U.S. Secretary of The Treasury
Richard Holbrooke, U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan
Gen. James L. Jones, U.S. National Security Advisor
Steven Koonin, Under Secretary for Science, U.S. Department of Energy
Susan E. Rice, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations
Dennis Ross, Senior Advisor, National Security Council
Anne-Marie Slaughter, Director of Policy Planning, U. S. Department of State
James B. Steinberg, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State
Lawrence H. Summers , Director, National Economic Council, The White House
Robert B. Zoellick, President, World Bank
*Amb. Bosworth remains Dean of the Fletcher School and a member of the Commission.
Note: Those without city names are Japanese Members.
Chinese and Korean names are shown with surname first.
Narongchai Akrasanee, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Export-Import Bank of Thailand; former Minister of Commerce of Thailand; Bangkok
Philip Burdon, Chairman, Asia New Zealand Foundation; former Chairman, Asia 2000 Foundation; New Zealand Chairman, APEC; former New Zealand Minister of Trade Negotiations; Wellington
Chen Dongxiao, Vice President, Shanghai Institute for International Studies
Fujio Cho, Chairman of the Board, Toyota Motor Corporation
Cho Suck-Rai, Chairman, Hyosung Corporation, Seoul
Chung Mong-Joon, Member, Korean National Assembly; Vice President, Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA); Seoul
Tarun Das, President, Aspen Institute India, Gurgaon; former Chief Mentor, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
Barry Desker, Dean, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University (NTU); Vice Chairman, Singapore Business Federation, Singapore
Takashi Ejiri, Partner, Nishimura & Asahi
Jesus P. Estanislao, Chairman, Institute for Solidarity in Asia; Chairman, Institute of Corporate Directors, Manila; former Philippine Secretary of Finance
Hugh Fletcher, Chancellor, The University of Auckland; former Chief Executive Officer, Fletcher Challenge
Hiroaki Fujii, Chairman, Mori Arts Center; former Japanese Ambassador to the United Kingdom
Shinji Fukukawa, Chairman, TEPIA, The Machine Industry Memorial Foundation
Yoichi Funabashi, Editor-in-Chief, The Asahi Shimbun
Victor K. Fung, Chairman, Li & Fung, Hong Kong
Carrillo Gantner, President, The Myer Foundation, Melbourne
Ross Garnaut, Professor of Economics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University, Canberra
*Toyoo Gyohten, President, Institute for International Monetary Affairs; Senior Advisor, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.
*Han Sung-Joo, Chairman, The Asan Institute for Policy Studies; former President, Korea University, Seoul; former Korean Minister of Foreign Affairs; former Korean Ambassador to the United States; Pacific Asia Deputy Chairman, Trilateral Commission
*Stuart Harris, Professor of International Relations, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University, Canberra; former Australian Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs
Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Azman Hashim, Chairman, AmBank Group, Kuala Lumpur
John R. Hewson, Chairman, GlobalDC; former Leader of the Federal Opposition, Australia; Special Adviser to the Under Secretary of the United Nations; Executive Secretary UNESCAP on Infrastructure Financing, Sydney
Ernest M. Higa, Founder, Higa International Co., Ltd.
Hong Seok Hyun, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Joong Ang Ilbo; former Korean Ambassador to the United States; Seoul
Shintaro Hori, Chairman, Bain Capital Japan, Inc.
Murray Horn, Managing Director, Institutional Banking, ANZ (NZ) Ltd., Sydney; Chairman, ANZ Investment Bank; former Parliament Secretary, New Zealand Treasury
Huang Renwei, Vice President, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
Hyun Hong-Choo, Senior Partner, Kim & Chang, Seoul; former Korean Ambassador to the United Nations and to the United States, Seoul
Hyun Jae-Hyun, Chairman, Tong Yang Group, Seoul
Shin’ichi Ichimura, Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University; former Director, International Centre for the Study of East Asian Development, Kitakyushu
Noriyuki Inoue, Chairman of the Board and CEO, Daikin Industries, Ltd.
Tan Sri Mohamed Jawhar, Chairman, Institute of Strategic International Studies (ISIS), Malaysia
Motoo Kaji, Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo
Kasem Kasemsri, Honorary Chairman, Thailand-U.S. Business Council, Bangkok; Chairman, Advisory Board, Chart Thai Party; Chairman, Thai-Malaysian Association; former Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand
Koichi Kato, Member, Japanese House of Representatives; former Secretary-General, Liberal Democratic Party
Kim Kihwan, Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Korea Development Institute; Chair, Seoul Financial Forum; former Korean Ambassador-at-Large for Economic Affairs
Kim Kyung-Won, President Emeritus, Seoul Forum for International Affairs, Seoul; former Korean Ambassador to the United States and the United Nations
Eizo Kobayashi, Chairman, ITOCHU Corporation
Shoichiro Kobayashi, Advisor, Kansai Electric Power Company, Ltd.
*Yotaro Kobayashi, former Chairman of the Board, Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.; Pacific Asian Chairman, Trilateral Commission
Akira Kojima, Trustee & Senior Fellow, Japan Center for Economic Research ( JCER )
Koo John, Chairman and CEO, LS Corporation; Seoul
Kenji Kosaka, former member, Japanese House of Representatives; former Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
*Lee Hong-Koo, Chairman, Seoul Forum for International Affairs, Seoul; former Korean Prime Minister; former Korean Ambassador to the United Kingdom and the United States
Lee Jay Y., Executive Vice President, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Seoul
Lee Kyungsook Choi, Vice Chairperson, Korean National Committee for UNESCO; former Chairperson, Korean Presidential Transition Committee; former President, Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul
Lee Shin-wha, Professor & Chair, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Korea University, Seoul
Leong Vai Tac, CEO, Seng San Enterprises, Ltd.; Chairman of the Smartable Holding Ltd., Macau
Adrianto Machribie, Chairman, PT Freeport Indonesia, Jakarta
*Minoru Makihara, Senior Corporate Advisor, Mitsubishi Corporation
Hiroshi Mikitani, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Rakuten, Inc.
Sunil Bharti Mittal, Chairman and Group Chief Executive Officer, Bharti Enterprises, New Delhi
Yoshihiko Miyauchi, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, ORIX Corporation
Isamu Miyazaki, Honorary Advisor, Daiwa Institute of Research, Ltd.; former Director-General of the Japanese Economic Planning Agency
Yuzaburo Mogi, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Kikkoman Corporation
Mike Moore, former Director-General, World Trade Organization, Geneva; former Prime Minister of New Zealand
Hugh Morgan, Principal, First Charnock, Melbourne, Australia
Moriyuki Motono, former Japanese Ambassador to France
Satoru Murase, Partner, Bingham McCutchen Murase, New York
N.R. Narayana Murthy, Chairman of the Board and Chief Mentor, Infosys Technologies Limited., Bangalore
Osamu Nagayama, President and CEO, Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Philip Ng, Chief Executive Officer, Far East Organization, Singapore
Masashi Nishihara, President, Research Institute for Peace and Security
Roberto F. de Ocampo,Chairman, Board of Advisors, RFO Center for Public Finance & Regional Economic Cooperation, Manila; former Philippine Secretary of Finance
Sadako Ogata, President, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA); former United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
*Shijuro Ogata, former Deputy Governor, Japan Development Bank; former Deputy Governor for International Relations, Bank of Japan; Pacific Asia Deputy Chairman, Trilateral Commission
Sozaburo Okamatsu, President, Industrial Property Cooperation Center; former Chairman, Research Institute of Economy, Trade & Industry (RIETI)
*Yoshio Okawara, Special Advisor, Institute for International Policy Studies (IIPS); former Japanese Ambassador to the United States
Yoichi Okita, Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
Ariyoshi Okumura, Chairman, Lotus Corporate Advisory, Inc.
Ong Keng Yong, Ambassador-at-Large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Director, Institute of Policy Studies, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore; former ASEAN Secretary General
Takuma Otoshi, Chairman, IBM Japan, Ltd.
Anand Panyarachun, Chairman, Thai Industrial Federation; Chairman, Saha-Union Public Company, Ltd. ; former Prime Minister of Thailand; Bangkok
Qin Yaqing, Vice President, China Foreign Affairs University, Beijing,
Ryu Jin Roy, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Poongsan Corp., Seoul
Eisuke Sakakibara, Professor, Waseda University; former Japanese Vice Minister of Finance for International Affairs
SaKong Il, Chairs of the Presidential Committee for G20 Summit, Office of the President of Republic of Korea; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Korea International Trade Association, Seoul; former Korean Minister of Finance
Yoshiyasu Sato, Advisor, Tokyo Electric Power Co. Ltd.; former Japanese Ambassador to China
Yukio Satoh, Member of Japan’s National Commission on Public Safety; Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustee, The Japan Institute of International Affairs; former Japanese Ambassador to the United Nations
Masahide Shibusawa, President, Shibusawa Ei’ichi Memorial Foundation
Shin Dong-Bin, Vice-President, Lotte Group, Seoul
Yasuhisa Shiozaki, Member, Japanese House of Representatives; former Chief Cabinet Secretary
Howard Stringer, Chairman, President and CEO, Sony Corporation
Arifin Siregar, Chairman of the Governing Board, Indonesian Council on World Affairs (ICWA); former International Advisor, Goldman Sachs (Pacific Asia) LLC; former Ambassador of Indonesia to the United States; Jakarta
Jacob Soetoyo, Executive Director, The Gesit Companies; Jakarta
Shigemitsu Sugisaki, Vice Chairman, Goldman Sachs Japan Co., Ltd.; former Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Keizo Takemi, Former Member, Japanese House of Councillors; former; former Vice Minister for Health, Labour and Welfare, Tokyo
Akihiko Tanaka, Managing Director and Executive Vice-President, University of Tokyo
Hitoshi Tanaka, Senior Fellow, Japan Center for International Exchange; former Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs
Naoki Tanaka, President, Center for International Public Policy Studies
Teh Kok Peng, President, GIC Special Investments Private Ltd., Singapore
Gautam Thapar, Chairman, Aspen Institute India, Chairman and CEO, Avantha Group, New Delhi
Kiyoshi Tsugawa, Member of the Board, Aozora Bank, Ltd.
Junichi Ujiie, Chairman, Nomura Holdings, Inc.
Sarasin Viraphol, Executive Vice President, Charoen Pokphand Co., Ltd., Bangkok; former Deputy Permanent Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Thailand
Cesar E. A. Virata, Director and Corporate Vice Chairman and Acting Chief Executive Officer, Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC), Manila; former Prime Minister of Philippines
*Jusuf Wanandi, Vice Chairman, Board of Trustees, CSIS Foundation, Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Jakarta
Wang Jisi, Dean, School of International Relations, Peking University, Beijing
Etsuya Washio, President, The Foundation for Workers Welfare and Cooperative Insurance; former President, Japanese Trade Union Confederation (RENGO)
Koji Watanabe, Senior Fellow, Japan Center for International Exchange; former Japanese Ambassador to Russia
Osamu Watanabe, President, Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Ltd.
Wei Jianguo, former Vice Minister of Commerce, Beijing
Wu Jianmin, Member of the Foreign Policy Advisory Committee, Chinese Foreign Ministry, Beijing, China; Member of the European Academy of Sciences; Honorary President, Bureau of International Exhibitions; former Chinese Ambassador to France
YY Wong, Chairman and Founder, Wywy Group, Singapore
Taizo Yakushiji, Visiting Professor of National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS); Research Counselor, Institute for International Policy Studies
Ryuji Yamada, Preseident and Chief Executive Officer, NTT Docomo Inc.
Tadashi Yamamoto, President, Japan Center for International Exchange; Pacific Asia Director, Trilateral Commission
Yang Jiemian, President, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, Shanghai, China
Noriyuki Yonemura, Secretary General, Intellectual Collaboration Group to Promote Market-Oriented Economics
Zhang Yunling, Professor and Director, Academic Division of International Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing, China
Former Member in Public Service
Hisashi Owada, President, International Court of Justice
“Triennium Participants”
André Azoulay, Adviser to H.M. King Mohammed VI, Rabat, Morocco
Morris Chang, Chairman, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Taipei, Taiwan
Omar Davies, Member of the Jamaican Parliament and former Minister of Finance and Planning, Kingston, Jamaica; former Director General, Planning Institute of Jamaica
Hüsnü Dogan, General Coordinator, Nurol Holding; former Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Development Foundation of Turkey; former Minister of Defence, Ankara, Turkey
Alejandro Foxley, Senior Associate, Carnegie International Economics Program, Washington, DC;
former Chilean Minister of Foreign Affairs, Valparaiso, Chile
Jacob A. Frenkel, Vice Chairman, American International Group, Inc. (AIG) and Chairman, AIG's Global Economic Strategies Group, New York, NY; Chairman, and CEO, Group of Thirty (G30); former Chairman, Merrill Lynch International London; former Governor, Bank of Israel; former Professor, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.
Frene Ginwala, former Speaker of the National Assembly, Parliament of the Republic of South Africa, Cape Town, South Africa
H.R.H. Prince El Hassan bin Talal, President, The Club of Rome; Moderator of the World Conference on Religion and Peace; Chairman, Arab Thought Forum, Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Ricardo Hausmann, Professor of the Practice of Economic Development, Center for International Development, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; former Chief Economist, Inter-American Development Bank; former Venezuelan Minister of Planning and Member of the Board of the Central Bank of Venezuela
Sergei Karaganov, Dean, School of World Economics and International Affairs, State University–Higher School of Economics; Chairman, Presidium of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy; Chairman, Editorial Board, “Russia in Global Affairs,” Moscow
Jeffrey L.S. Koo, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Chinatrust Investment, Bank, Taipei, Taiwan
Ricardo Lopez Murphy, Visiting Research Fellow, Latin American Economic Research Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina; former Argentinian Finance Minister and Defence Minister
Andrónico Luksic Craig, Vice Chairman, Banco de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Itamar Rabinovich, Ettinger Chair of Contemporary Middle Eastern History, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel; Charles and Andrea Bronfman Distinguished Fellow at the Saban Center, The Brookings Institution; Distinguished Global Professor at New York University; Visiting Professor, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University; former Ambassador to the United States
Rüsdü Saracoglu, President of the Finance Group, Koç Holding; Chairman, Makro Consulting, Istanbul, Turkey; former State Minister and Member of the Turkish Parliament; former Governor of the Central Bank of Turkey
Roberto Egydio Setubal, President and Chief Executive Officer, Banco Itaú S.A. and Banco Itaú Holding Financeira S.A., Sao Paulo, Brazil
Stan Shih, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Acer Group, Taipei, Taiwan
Grigory A. Yavlinsky, Chairman and Co-Founder of the Russian Democratic Party “Yabloko” and former Member of the State Duma; Chairman of the Center for Economic and Political Research, Moscow, Russian Federation
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