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vineri, 4 iunie 2010


Legat de grupul Bilderberg, iata ce aflam de pe siteul romanesc :


Din această organizaţie fac parte cam 180 de personalităţi politice, culturale, economice, universitare, mass-media s.a.m.d .

Bildelbergers se întrunesc în fiecare an în luna mai, alternativ în Europa şi America, aproape 50 de ţări.

Câţiva dintre cei mai importanţi reprezentaţi :

- Agnelli, Giovanni (sef FIAT);

- Brzezinski, Zbigniew (preşedinte al Comisiei Trilaterale şi important agent Rockefeller);

- Bush, George (fost şef CIA, fost şef CFR, fost preşedinte SUA, Comitetul celor 300);

- Carrington, Lord (G.B.) (Comisia celor 300, Kissinger Associates, fost preşedinte NATO);

- Dulles, Allen (fost şef CIA);

- Clinton, Bill (fost preşedinte SUA, CFR, Comisia Trilaterală);

- Ford, Henry II;

- Gonzales, Felipe (secretar general al Partidului Socialist spaniol şi mai târziu prim ministru);

- Kissinger, Henry (şi membru al lojei italiene P2);

- Mc Namara, Robert (Banca Mondială);

- Reuther, Walter P.;

- Rockefeller, David;

- Rockefeller, John D.;

- Rockefeller, Nelson;

- Rothschild, Baron Edmund de;

- Tindemanno (fost prim ministru al Belgiei);

- Warburg, Eric D.;

- Worner, Manfred (NATO).

Bilderberg meeting

• 1954 (May 29-31) at the Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Netherlands

• 1955 (March 18-20) at the Hotellerie Du Bas-Breau in Barbizon, France

• 1955 (September 23-25) at the Grand Hotel Sonnenbichl in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, West Germany

• 1956 (May 11-13) at the Hotel Store Kro in Fredensborg, Denmark

• 1957 (February 15-17) at the King and Prince Hotel in St. Simons Island, Georgia, United States

• 1957 (October 4-6) at the Grand Hotel Palazzo della Fonte in Fiuggi, Italy

• 1958 (September 13-15) at the The Palace Hotel in Buxton, United Kingdom

• 1959 (September 18-20) at the Çinar Hotel in Yeşilköy, Istanbul, Turkey

• 1960 (May 28-29) at the Palace Hotel in Bürgenstock, Nidwalden, Switzerland

• 1961 (April 21-23) at the Manoir St. Castin in Lac-Beauport, Quebec, Quebec, Canada

• 1962 (May 18-20) at the Grand Hotel Saltsjöbaden in Saltsjöbaden, Sweden

• 1963 (May 29-31) in Cannes, France

• 1964 (March 20-22) in Williamsburg, Virginia, United States

• 1965 (April 2-4) at the Villa d'Este in Cernobbio, Italy

• 1966 (March 25-27) at the Nassauer Hof Hotel Wiesbaden in Wiesbaden, West Germany

• 1967 (March 31-April 2) in Cambridge, United Kingdom

• 1968 (April 26-28) in Mont Tremblant, Quebec, Canada

• 1969 (May 9-11) at the Hotel Marienlyst in Helsingør, Denmark

• 1970 (April 17-19) at the Grand Hotel Quellenhof in Bad Ragaz, Switzerland

• 1971 (April 23-25) at the Woodstock Inn in Woodstock, Vermont, United States

• 1972 (April 21-23) at the La Reserve di Knokke-Heist in Knokke, Belgium

• 1973 (May 11-13) at the Grand Hotel Saltsjöbaden in Saltsjöbaden, Sweden

• 1974 (April 19-21) at the Hotel Mont d'Arbois in Megeve, France

• 1975 (April 22-24) at the Golden Dolphin Hotel in Çeşme, İzmir, Turkey

• 1976 no conference. The 1976 Bilderberg conference was planned for April at The Homestead in Hot Springs, Virginia, United States.

Due to the ongoing Lockheed scandal involving Prince Bernhard at the time, it had to be cancelled.

• 1977 (April 22-24) at the Paramount Imperial Hotel in Torquay, United Kingdom

• 1978 (April 21-23) at the Chauncey Conference Center in Princeton, New Jersey, United States

• 1979 (April 27-29) at the Grand Hotel Sauerhof in Baden bei Wien, Austria

• 1980 (April 18-20) at the Dorint Sofitel Quellenhof Aachen in Aachen, West Germany

• 1981 (May 15-17) at the Palace Hotel in Bürgenstock, Nidwalden, Switzerland

• 1982 (May 14-16) at the Rica Park Hotel Sandefjord in Sandefjord, Norway

• 1983 (May 13-15) at the Château Montebello in Montebello, Quebec, Canada

• 1984 (May 11-13) at the Grand Hotel Saltsjöbaden in Saltsjöbaden, Sweden

• 1985 (May 10-12) at the Doral Arrowwood Hotel in Rye Brook, New York, United States

• 1986 (April 25-27) at the Gleneagles Hotel in Gleneagles, Auchterarder, United Kingdom

• 1987 (April 24-26) at the Villa d'Este in Cernobbio, Italy

• 1988 (June 3-5) at the Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol in Telfs-Buchen, Austria

• 1989 (May 12-14) at the Gran Hotel de La Toja in Isla de La Toja, Spain

• 1990 (May 11-13) at the Harrison Conference Center in Glen Cove, New York, United States

• 1991 (June 6-9) at the Steigenberger Badischer Hof Hotel, Schlosshotel Bühlerhöhe in Bühl (Baden) in Baden-Baden, Germany

• 1992 (May 21-24) at the Royal Club Evian Hotel, Ermitage Hotel in Évian-les-Bains, France

• 1993 (April 22-25) at the Nafsika Astir Palace Hotel in Vouliagmeni, Greece

• 1994 (June 2-5) at the Kalastajatorppa Hotel in Helsinki, Finland

• 1995 (June 8-11) at the Palace Hotel in Bürgenstock, Nidwalden, Switzerland

• 1996 (May 30-June 2) at the CIBC Leadership Centre aka The Kingbridge Centre in King City, Ontario, Canada

• 1997 (June 12-15) at the Pine Isle resort in Lake Lanier, Georgia, United States

• 1998 (May 14-17) at the Turnberry Hotel in Turnberry, United Kingdom

• 1999 (June 3-6) at the Caesar Park Hotel Penha Longa in Sintra, Portugal

• 2000 (June 1-4) at the Chateau Du Lac Hotel in Genval, Brussels, Belgium

• 2001 (May 24-27) at the Hotel Stenungsbaden in Stenungsund, Sweden

• 2002 (May 30-June 2) at the Westfields Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia, United States

• 2003 (May 15-18) at the Trianon Palace Hotel in Versailles, France

• 2004 (June 3-6) at the Grand Hotel des Iles Borromees in Stresa, Italy

• 2005 (May 5-8) at the Dorint Sofitel Seehotel Überfahrt in Rottach-Egern, Germany

• 2006 (June 8-11) at the Brookstreet Hotel in Kanata, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

• 2007 (May 31 - June 3) at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel,in Şişli, Istanbul, Turkey.

• 2008 (June 5-8) at the Westfields Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia, United States

• 2009 (May 14-16) at the Astir Palace resort in Athens, Greece

Grupul Bilderberg este structurat pe trei niveluri :

1. „Cercul exterior” este foarte extins. Practic peste 80% din participanţii la reuniuni nu cunosc decât o parte din strategiile şi scopurile reale ale organizaţiei, deci fac parte din cercul exterior.

2. Comitetul director (Steering Comitee), al doilea nivel, este mult mai restrâns. Acest nivel este alcătuit din aproximativ 35 de membri, exclusiv europeni şi americani. Ei cunosc în proporţie de 90% obiectivele şi strategia grupului. Membrii americani ai acestui nivel sunt de asemenea şi membri în CRE - Consiliul Relaţiilor Externe (în engleză Council on Foreign Relations - CFR).

3. Comitetul Consultativ Bilderberg, al treilea nivel, este nucleul acestei grupări. El este alcătuit din 12 membri, singurii care cunosc în totalitate strategiile şi scopurile reale ale organizaţiei.

Interesant este ca anumite ziare si agentii de stiri prezinta stirea despre intalnirea din Grecia cu un accent usor comic si care are tendinta sa cada in derizoriu: sau
Oare ce incearca sa ne sugereze? Ca nu merita atentia noastra? Ca am putea sa ignoram aceasta intalnire pentru ca nu se intampla nimic?

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